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Extra, Extra! Read All About It!

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The inaugural edition of the “Woodhull Student Newspaper” was distributed last week, thanks to the hard work of the newspaper staff: Rebecca, Kennedy, Danny and Milana. Every student, faculty and staff member received a copy, marking a proud moment for the newspaper team.

In a recent interview, the team shared their vision of creating a newspaper that all students, regardless of grade level, could enjoy. They emphasized their desire to include the voices and perspectives of many students throughout the school, ensuring that everyone has a platform to be heard.

The student-driven initiative is an excellent opportunity to highlight the value of free press in a democratic society. By encouraging student journalists to express their ideas freely, we foster critical thinking, creativity and an understanding of the importance of an informed and engaged community.

Click here to view the Extra, Extra! Read All About It! 24-25 slideshow.

Date Added: 10/6/2024