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Board of Education

A school board is a corporate body that oversees and manages a public school district's affairs, personnel, and properties.  Its members are elected by the residents of the school district that the Board oversees.  The term corporate body indicates that a school board is treated as a corporation, a legal entity that has an existence distinct and apart from its individual members and has the capacity for continuous existence without regard to changes in its membership.  As such, the legalities of a school board's contracts, as well as the validity of a Board's policies and resolutions, do not depend on its individual members. (School Law, 2006)

There are seven members of the Fire Island UFSD Board of Education, who serve on a volunteer basis and are elected to three-year terms.  The Board elects its officers each year at the Organizational Meeting in July.  Our current school board members and their terms of office:

Jay Lippert, President
7/1/2022 – 6/30/2025

Amy Wood, Vice President

Marisa Wyckoff
7/1/2023 – 6/30/2026

Lisa Kaufman

Linda Nowachek
7/1/2022 – 6/30/2025

Judi Phelan
7/1/2023 – 6/30/2026

Kathleen Skelly-Kurka